I think way too many people are pressured or want to do things that they are not meant to be doing and its drastically decreasing their performance. It could be the position they are in, company, product, people they surround themselves with, culture, etc. It's not entirely their fault because that might be all they know and in the moment it seems good, but in the long run it's a problem.

I think we need to take a step back sometimes and audit who we actually are and forget what people expect from you.

Anything you are not good at, delegate it. Surround yourself with people who are good at your weaknesses. That is what all the great leaders do. I think we all spend too much time trying to correct weaknesses, when we could be working on our strengths and passions. Would you rather be average at a lot of things or a master of a few?

Now once you figure out what your strengths are, bet on them! Put yourself in a position to win! I guarantee you will be more successful! If not right away, definitely in the long term.