Now I'm afraid to put a different F word in the title
My Beloved Cap,
You have fallen through a hole in space time, yet the fates have reunited us!
I heard with certainty your crash landing, the reverberation of each bounce on the wooden floor and the receding sound as you rolled under the desk.
Yet, I stooped with the writer, saw the space under the desk barren, no sign of you.
We crawled around the floor puzzled. The writer searched among the tumbleweeds of dog hair. Alas, we did not find you, although the floor is much cleaner now.
And you re-appeared here of all places:
Even the writer puzzled.
I don't think she knows what prompted her to lift all the pens out of their cup and peer into its depths, but I do.
It was the longing in my heart, calling you back to this universe, calling you home.
I long for the protection of your embrace.
I will never forsake you again, my beloved cap.
Forever changed, Forever yours,