Start Starting Something Great Today!

There is always talk of impending catastrophe among those who forecast economic change. Whether it is recession or inflation, the predictions are ominous.

Now Is the Time! Recession Is No Excuse for Recess!

Contrary to the human tendency toward flight in times of danger, these are days for entrepreneurs to venture forth into the unknown and strut their creative stuff.

The time is always right for new ideas, for niche thinking, and for bold initiatives by men and women who will not be ruled by fear or passing circumstance.

The very limitations, restrictions, and scarcity of our times that cause some to retreat will prompt others to think more creatively and move aggressively into the arena of invention and innovation.

In the midst of economic fluctuation, when the tides of prosperity appear to be receding, there sounds no recess bell.

Class is still in session.

Whatever is coming — more inflation or possible recession, there is a role for innovators.

The need for vision and visionaries is profound. Life goes on. There is a sea change of thinking, a correction in our collective greed for consumption, and a reevaluation of our definitions of success.

But people still require basic services and great ideas still have landing places among receptive minds.

We cannot retreat from entrepreneurship, Rather, we must embrace it at a new level. Our communities need out-of-the-box thinkers and risk takers. Our world needs people who are willing to move forward to build great business, as well as social, and spiritual initiatives on a shoestring.

Recession is no excuse for recess.

So, then, what will you do.

Start by sitting under a tree, or by a river, or in your favorite chair. Or, you could take a walk. Clear your mind of anxiety and let your thoughts go free.

Where do they land?

What pops in your head when you give yourself space to use your imagination.

Write your idea down.

Can you write a business plan around it?

Can you start it on a small budget if necessary?

Can you save for it?

Are their people who might like to partner with you financially or in some other way?

Who are the people that need what you will offer? Where are they? How do they buy? What motivates them? How can they be reached? What do they care most about? Why will they like you?

What do you offer of greatest value to the people you wish to serve? What will bring them delight? What will make them your regular customers or clients?

What will make them your ambassadors?

How will you communicate with your target groups at every stage of their customer journey from unawareness to awareness? What call to action will move them at each step of that journey to continue with you? Through what channels will you reach them?

How and where will you get all this information?

Do you have a coach to walk with you through the process?

Are you writing any of this down?

Remember that any movement toward your initiative is a start. Thinking is a start. Studying is a start. Planning is a start. Anything that moves you one step closer to an actually launch is a start. If you are starting to start, you are starting.

So, start starting.

Get some people to read your business plan who are trained and able to see what you see and give you helpful suggestions. It is even more helpful if they can ask you probing questions.

What is this going to cost? Are there ways to shave costs? Is this possibly, a scalable project? Could you begin today or tomorrow or next month?

Do you need a year? What would you do during that year?

Who are the people that you will be relying upon for support? What other resources will you need? Is there personal work you need to do on your life, your skills, or your capacity to prepare for the next steps of this process?

How will this either make you money or produce the other results you desire to produce? What model of funding will make this sustainable? How will it grow? What are the primary sources of income?


Then refine.

Then define.

Write out a vision of what the world will look like for you and others when your dream is realized and your venture is operating. Detail it. Define it. Make it vivid and measurable.

Make it real.

Refine, define, and then, incline yourself into the tasks that will flesh out your vision. That means get to work.

Do something daily to make it happen.

Without ignoring helpful criticism that will improve your work, filter out feedback that will only discourage you. Find people and music and books that will encourage your heart.

The economy is not an illusion to be ignored, but neither is it an ultimate determiner of your success or failure. Let it be a propellant and part of the context into which you act and speak.

While others are shutting down or retreating, you be the one who dreams something new and does something positive.

Start starting.