When we meet someone new (that we like), get introduced to a new idea, or find a new toy, it's exciting! The thing about the "new" thing is that it doesn't have to be a new idea for the entire world; it's new to you. Capture this excitement with prospective customers.

We recently started watching the reality TV show Below Deck. While it's been on since 2013, it's new to us, and we love it! It's an example of something around for a while that can still connect with new people.

Our friend also got a "new" iPhone. She finally gave up her iPhone 6 to get a reconditioned iPhone XS. Joanne was super excited, waiting for her phone to arrive.

Photo by Frederik Lipfert on Unsplash

Then, she got her phone set up. Joanne anticipated being able to use apps again, being able to access her email without any issues. Also, as well as, after she got past the initial iOS installed, she giggled with excitement when everything loaded and, for the first time in a long time, she could read stuff on her phone!

Similarly, last year, my wife Dani got super excited at the eye doctor's to see clearly again when we got new glasses.

There's a similar thread to these different circumstances:

  • most involved anticipation-building waiting periods
  • the new "thing" filled a missing piece
  • all of them provided a new view

Below Deck gives us an inside look a the customer service side of luxury yachting. Joanne finally has a working, well-functioning phone. Dani still appreciates her improved vision.

Think about these ideas for your business:

  • What void do your products or services fill?
  • How do you build anticipation for your product?

Let's put this into practice for your business. Answering the question about what void your products or services fill comes down to how you help people. For example, my virtual assistant services free up time for my clients and make their business more organized. My coaching services teach my clients how they can accomplish goals and stay accountable.

There are multiple ways to build anticipation. First, when someone is searching for a solution, internally, they're building up anticipation themselves. Next, when they find the answer, ideally, they get a quick win from your freebie. This win creates more expectations for the next level your solution provides. It's hopefully a start to a long relationship.

If you need any help figuring things out in your business, I'd love to chat. Schedule a call today.