Thanks To Sherry McGuinn for tagging me in this one!! It was amusing/interesting to think about who I'd invite!

Since this is an imaginary party, I've decided to go all out.

I figure I'll have it catered of course, since I have a money orchard growing out back of my humble abode of 4000 square feet.;)

It would be quite a lovely affair, so long as I could watch like a fly on the wall, I would have quite a ball!

Julie Andrews, because why not?! She's got a lovely voice and I'm sure she has plenty of stories to tell. I've always been mesmerized by her.

Kathy Bates. I just love this woman! She's funny AF, and an awesome actress to boot. Like a chameleon. I've never been disappointed when she played a role in whatever movie/show she was in.

I wish we could invite some singers who have since left our world for another, because I wouldn't hesitate to invite Roy Orbison. But unless someone knows a kick ass medium, I guess we'll have to wait until we reach the pearly gates

Samuel L. Jackson. This guy has been one of my favorite actors for eons.

Oh and Jack Nicholson…imagine those two in a room together?

Let's see…

Who else would stir things up?

I'm sure Putin could! Though I'm not sure if he's much of a conversationalist?

I'm thinking this could go a couple ways… Either everyone would become mute, or people would leave… Or who knows, maybe a brawl. I haven't a clue.

Now for my last invitee…

Carol Burnett. I'm sure I don't have to explain why.

So there you have it.

I wonder if I'll dream about this ? I wouldn't be surprised. I just hope its a good dream and doesn't turn into a nightmare.

Here's a few I'm curious about.

Who would you invite?

Hank Eng ,Kyrie Gray, Shelly McIntosh, KD Murray,Elle Fredine, Agnes Louis, Don Feazelle, James Knight, Michelle Monet, Bebe Nicholson, Melek Mills , Susan Brearley, Jimmywayne Ford ,Greg Prince, Lisa Bolin ,P.G. Barnett,Glenna Gill, Rolli,

And whoever else wants to join in. ☺ Please tag me so I can read yours!