"The subconscious is the womb of creation." Neville Goddard in Feeling is the Secret

The creation process is like the womb of a pregnant woman. The subconscious mind will harbor your idea or desire. When you feel it to be true in your imagination, your subconscious begins to activate the creation process. In time, you give birth to your imaginal act on the physical plane.

I remember when I took accountability for my health and my body during my final year at UCLA — the University of California, Los Angeles. The moment I made a committed decision to get in shape my conscious mind began to think of a healthy body and I saw my body with muscles. I saw and felt my new muscles in my imagination. In my imagination, I saw myself reflection looking in a mirror and I felt my muscles. My body was physically in my apartment standing in front of my restroom mirror with my eyes closed. At that moment, I became obsessed with the imaginary image of my body.

I studied all I could about health and muscle building and in 3 months I was in the best shape of my life. It took about 3 months to manifest my dream body: visible six-pack abdominals and muscles. If I did not make that committed decision in my mind, I would not have brought forth the image of my new body.

Feeling my imagination to be true started the creation process. But like a baby in a womb, it took time to manifest. You do not have sex with a woman and immediately a baby pops out of her. It does not work that way, there is a gestation period. This law is a law of the universe — the law of gender. There is a gestation period for anything in the physical universe to manifest from a seed, to your imagination felt as real, and the birth of a baby human.

The fun and challenging part about manifesting is that you do not know when your desire will manifest. Your only job is to constantly feel it to be true. "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he." It can take a few moments, months, or a couple of years to birth your idea. It all depends because when it comes to our goals they are unique to us unlike a carrot or a human baby which have been manifested by nature over and over again so we know how long they will take to come about.

Whatever you feel to be true in imagination is your only way of telling your subconscious mind it is what you want. Therefore, feel your imaginal scenes as true. Do it over and over again until you feel good in your heart. Put your hand over your heart and ask how that my dream is fulfilled. All I know for sure is that you will feel good because it is something you want.

I hope this is helping you manifest your dreams.

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I love you,

Miguel Martinez Juarez

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