You probably have studied many people on how they grew their way to success.

Some of you have been trying so long, with no results, little progress, or are on your way there. You have gone over tools to bring you success — such as a business system including hacks that would increase your leverage.

Resources alone are not an absolute measure.

Others quit after trying several months of iterations despite having all the tools available. It means the character has so much to do when you want to be successful.

You may have all the resources you need — but (brittle) when things do not go your way — you will not achieve anything.

Where are you now in your wealth journey?

It is vital to consider your mental frame, routine, and commitment. The measure of your success lies within yourself.

Your riches will grow if you allow yourself to flourish too.

The significance of your money prototype

To grow your wealth, you need to be a good steward of it (no matter how small or large it is).

It is why you see articles about famous Hollywood stars rising to stardom and hitting the ground hard — they know little about how to take charge of their income.

The key here is you need to have a proper view of money. If not -say goodbye later to all the jars of honey.

Some personalities were reportedly on the rise-fall-rise again story — Those testimonies you see coming from the top — and they became bankrupt but were able to rise again to the top.

Because they have an (unbothered) frame despite their ill-situation

Those who lack it or do not intend to grow their muscles for it — will feel stuck in the process of their journey.

If you are lazy to explore, then do not expect by doing things now, you will reach the pinnacle that you are dreaming (for)

Understanding the source and effect

If you have launched some gig or hustle — and after working on it for several months or years, you feel like surrendering.

When you are not hitting the target, you become frustrated. And then you end up blaming everyone along the way.

You conclude that life is unfair and end up going with the flow while living in mediocrity.

The wrong thing you do is to focus on the outward experience. To address it, you need to change things from the source where it is linked.

It could be your attitude and ways of doing things — if you want to experience transformation, it has to start with yourself.

Final Thoughts

To be rich, you need to have a prototype to make money. The foundational elements comprise the following

  • Resources alone are not enough — character matters so much
  • Be a good steward of money regardless of the amount
  • Focus on the root to realize the fruit

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