I love compliments from strangers. It's really nice to hear that something about my style vibes with another person. HOWEVER, commenting on a stranger's appearance can easily go from nice to YIKES! DANGER in a hot minute.

These are my handy tips for not being a creepy creep:

Step One: SPACE Give them enough space to feel safe and comfortable. If you are bad at judging personal space, I recommend allowing at least a 4-5ft radius around the person you'd like to compliment.

Ideally, make the compliment while walking past them, and then keep walking.

DO NOT approach them multiple times, follow them to their car, step in front of their path forward, or otherwise make them feel obligated to stop what they are doing and engage with you.

Step Two: CONTENT Things that are cool to compliment: - hair color/style - clothing - makeup - accessories - facial features - overall style

Phrasing matters here.

YES: "I love your glasses!/ Your style is really cool!/ Your hair is so gorgeous!" DEAR GOD NO: "I just love women in glasses!/ I'm really into redheads!/ I love a man in tight jeans!"

Things that no one needs to hear: - how much you like their body parts - how sexually attractive they are to you - how you like the "type" of person they are--no one likes to feel stereotyped by their appearance, thanks.

Step Three: FOLLOW-UP


If they say "thank you!" and keep walking, then you smile and also keep walking.

If they glare at you or otherwise seem uncomfortable: keep walking! Not everyone likes commentary from strangers, and that's okay.

If you genuinely want to know where they get their hair done, or where they bought those shoes, then ask politely and be respectful of their time and space.