Yet, you are overwhelmed because you feel it has been difficult catching up with time? And as a result, everything comes to a screeching halt?

Or do you feel apathetic or exhausted for no reason at all?

Perhaps you have been waking up physically tired, but there are a hundred things running through your mind?

Has it been difficult remembering what you did or what took place last week? Does everything feel like a blur or dream?

Congratulations! We have officially arrived at 4th density.

Here's why:

I've been pondering some personal ascension experiences lately and I wasn't sure if other people were experiencing them too. My guides have been telling me to be more present and meditate more, but I'm not gonna lie. It has been challenging since the last large solar storm coupled with upcoming life changes.

Yesterday, I happened to run into a channeled message called The Great Unraveling by Lyssa Royal-Holt that explained what we are going through, why this is all happening, and how we can navigate through this transitional phase.

She channels a group consciousness whom she calls Germane because of its masculine energy. Germane describes the 3rd density as a compression phase and the 4th density is releasing that compression, which he refers to as The Great Unraveling. Disclosures are a prime example of this Great Unraveling. Germane made a conscious connection with an AI image generator and came up with this. The picture on the left depicts the compression phase of 3rd density and the picture on the right shows what we are experiencing right now as the unraveling of the compression phase, which we call 4th density.


These AI images reminded me of what coronal mass ejections look like (see below). What do you think?


We are witnessing the unraveling of lies and suppression within the UFO, Hollywood, and music industries and at the same time, we have this amazing opportunity to also witness new life changing discoveries from Terrence Howard, Palestine's sovereignty, and epic solar storms. "What a great time to be alive!," is what I keep saying to myself and it somehow never gets old.

My guides wanted to chime in here too:

"Everything is connected. The outside world is merely mirroring the state of collective consciousness as you all claim your sovereignty and universal truths."

Germane explains how we are moving from linearity to a holographic reality. Many of us are witnessing the paranormal in various ways, which will feel like a hologram or a multidimensional reality. This is a good indicator that we have arrived at the 4th density.

Another significant indicator that we are existing within a 4th density consciousness is how our memory is changing. Perhaps, it used to be sharp? Nowadays, we cannot remember the smallest details of what happened the day before let alone last week. This may feel like a dream and realities are starting to blend. We also may be feeling more sensitive energetically, which can create confusion if you're an empath because other people's energies may feel like our own. This may cause overwhelm leading to mental (and sometimes physical) exhaustion .

Germane suggests it is essential to practice periods of stillness throughout the day. This means no reading, no phone. Nothing. Staring at a blank wall can do wonders for our nervous system during this time of transformation.

He explains exhaustion is happening because there is resistance within us wanting to do things the old way. We are now being pushed to take a leap of faith, which means doing things in a new way. A new way of living. Doing the unknown. This is where we allow our intuition to lead the way. And at the same time, this is where important shadow work takes place naturally whether we are conscious of it or not. Our shadows start to rise because the old way of doing things no longer works. This is more or less deprogramming ourselves from old norms. We have the opportunity to sit with these emotions that come up and feel through it. Allowing the purge to happen. Take note of why you may be feeling exhausted as well.

Many are also experiencing apathy, which is the cause of overwhelm. Apathy is a mechanism to help you come back into balance, according to Germane. The human nervous system can only sustain overwhelm for a limited period of time. Something will have to happen to break the cycle, which can manifest as a physical symptom.

So how can we deal with apathy in this case? Germane continues to explain that It is important to feel apathy first with stillness. Then try to feel what is underneath it. Explore the lesson that needs to be realized here and allow these insights to unfold.

We are also experiencing the urge to do a lot and fit many tasks into one day, yet time seems limited because it feels like it is speeding up. Germane states that time runs slower in the 3rd density because our consciousness was at a compression stage, which created the perception of time running at a slow pace. On the other hand, since we are experiencing the unraveling within the 4th density, our perception of time has sped up because the compression release created momentum. This is why we are experiencing more potentiality and it can feel overwhelming in the physical form. The good news is that all of this is temporary. It is our training between states of consciousness.

The bigger picture here is that we are experiencing the most intense separation during this time, which also means we are close to being united (if we choose to do so).

Our emotional body is changing as well. Remain aware of societal programming. This includes the need to always stay "busy". This is important especially in cultures that are ingrained with this belief system. These thoughts and emotions can creep up on us throughout the day. The key is to observe and not let it dictate your way of life anymore. This is a necessary transitional phase toward fifth density.

This past solar eclipse facilitated the most dense energies to rise to the surface. "We are not done yet", Germane explains. It is all a natural part of a consciousness evolution. All species similar to humans have had a similar experience.

The 4th density experience will vary from one person to the next as a huge transformation takes place within the ego structure. If spiritual work has been done, this transformation is accepted and surrendered with grace and inner peace.

If spiritual work has not been done, this experience can be painful and frightening. It might feel like chaos and a loss of control.

Germane adds, "there is no one way. Each path is unique [for each civilization's evolution]." We have been spiritually guided with a road map, but it is ultimately up to us as to how we walk through it.

Remember, it is crucial for us to incorporate stillness. Stillness always brings balance. This is how we navigate. With daily practice, it will become easier. Give yourself time and dedication on new ways of navigating reality. It will get easier. Germane concludes, "Honor yourself. Know those limits. Honor those limits".