I've been working with FlutterFlow on a project and was thinking it would be great to create a tutorial where I make a full app. I will utilize a free template and the free version of FlutterFlow.

So what's the app? Let's make a Family Chores app. We can make it so anyone can post a chore and a price. Then anyone in the family can claim it.

The reason for this is that the data structure can get complicated as we will have families, each family will members, and maybe someone is in two families when spending time with the other parent they can have chores there too.

First, head to https://www.flutterflow.com and sign up for an account.

Second, head to Supabase and create an account as well.

For each of the chapters I will have a video to accompany it so stay tuned.

In this video I walk through creating the account, finding a template, connecting to supabase, creating some tables, and setting up the login process.

Below is the view I created for the FamilyMembers and screenshots of the tables.

CREATE  VIEW viewFamilyMembers AS
  family.id familyid,
  myusers.id userid,
  FROM family
   left join familymembers on familymembers.familyid = family.id
   left join myusers on myusers.id = familymembers.userid