I tried to look for safety, but I realized there was no such thing.

Life is mysterious, you don't know what is going to happen, so all you can do is not fight life and try to solve whatever problems come your way.

No matter how much we worry about what might happen in our lives, it won't do us any good, it will only make our lives worse.

Think about it, if you're worried that you might not be able to achieve your dream, you certainly won't even try. Or if you worry all the time that maybe something will happen to you that you don't want, then how will you enjoy life?

No matter how much we worry, we can't stop something from happening that needs to happen, because it's not all up to us.

Today I want to tell you how I stopped worrying.

We usually worry about a lot of things, but we usually worry about the things or people that bring us joy or some life satisfaction.

You can't worry about something that doesn't get you anything.

We are very afraid of losing what brings us joy because if we lose what brings us joy we will suffer.

I realized, if I didn't identify with my thoughts, I wouldn't worry so much.

So, all I did was meditate every day for 10 minutes, after meditating, I felt so much better because I wasn't so identified with my thoughts.

A lot of times we worry about something that hasn't even happened, and maybe never will.

If we live very much in the future, the consequence of this is worry. Try living in the present and you'll see that you can't worry about anything. Because as long as you are in the present, you don't have thoughts that influence your state.

That's why I say that meditation is very important because it makes us aware of certain things that we wouldn't be able to see if we didn't meditate. Simply put, meditation helps us to be more aware of everything that is happening in our lives.

I'm not saying that it's not possible to be aware of many things in your life without meditation. But I realized that if you meditate, you don't identify so much with everything that happens in your life, and it is much easier to be aware.

Because I was worrying too much, I tried to control everything in my life, but unfortunately, I didn't achieve anything, I just made my life more difficult.

There is no point in worrying about anything because not everything is in our control. And as long as something is in our control, and we've tried to do everything we can to resolve that situation, there's nothing more we can do.

Or maybe there's another very important thing that we often forget. When we can't do anything about a situation, what remains is to accept it.

Acceptance is very important because if you don't accept what is happening in your life, you will suffer all the time.

Now I would like to give you an example to make you understand better.

For example, if you take a fish out of the water, it will struggle to get back into the water because that is its natural environment, that is where it feels good, and that is where it can live.

Think for a moment that we are somewhat the same, if we are always fighting life and worrying, that means we are not living in our natural medium either.

Here I am referring to the fact that as long as you resist life and worry, ego arises. And when the ego appears, you will not feel good. Because you will seek to get into your natural environment like the fish that is on land.

All you see around you is life, if you oppose life, it is like being against yourself, and that is why worry and suffering arise.

The ego is not life, the ego is suffering. That is why we should be aware that there can only be two ways. Either we are against life, or we are one with life.

Once I started to realize that I can't control anything and that no matter how much I worry, I won't solve anything. I started to stop fighting life and whatever happened I tried to be one with life.

I know that sometimes it can be very difficult not to resist life, but think about it, the more you resist the more you will suffer. The more you accept life, the more you will enjoy it.

A lot of unpleasant things can happen on the outside, but in the end, you decide how you choose to react. It's up to you how you feel inside.

So please don't worry so much, because you will only suffer and it won't help you.

Now one question and I'm done.

Do you think you need to worry?