I'd slurp my spiritual mentor's brain as noodles many times.

"When will I reach? How much journey is left? When will it end?"

Now karma is getting back to me. I get shot by these frantic questions all the time.

Desperation is natural on the invisible spiritual path. These are genuine questions that paralyze every seeker.

But after a point, these questions dissolve. Peace and bliss, with minor disturbances, happen.

This is the state of no return.

Highly spiritual people operate from this state. You might seem ordinary on the outside. But something unique about you pulls people towards you.

1. Your Laughter Roar Like a Mad Man

Some laugh to hide their pain. Some mere chuckle. But you are not a big fan of giggles and smirks. You laugh like a madman.

Every cell of your body vibrates with laughter. What people will think is none of your concern. People can feel your laughter's energy even after you leave the place.

It can be hilarious or annoying to someone. But it is the way you allow life to express itself through you.

2. A Combination of Being Blunt and Balming the Wound With Compassion Is Your Unique Trait

Highly spiritual people don't beat around the bush. You dare to be straight on point. It may pinch a nerve or two.

You may beat someone (especially those stuck in their ego) black and blue with your words. Your painful words may initially shock people, specifically loved ones.

You usually end the talk with compassionate words. But people can't forget the brutal beating of ego. Deep inside, they know you'll always tell the truth, no matter what. But often, they are not ready to hear it.

Many try to avoid you but still can't completely ignore you.

Your brutal honesty comes from a place of compassion and fearlessness. This authenticity and vulnerability make you uniquely attractive.

People secretly adore you and wish to be like you. However, fear traps them.

3. You Are Approachable, Even if You Are in Prominent Positions

Highly spiritual people make themselves available to everyone. This helps people to open up about their problems.

Your down-to-Earth nature makes you likable in your circle. Sometimes you go out of your way to make people comfortable.

My mentor was in a prominent position in an IT company. Thankfully, I didn't know it for many months. Otherwise, I'd have felt intimidated. His ease and approachability were too new for me. It helped me immensely to open up.

Highly spiritual people don't make position and power a big issue. You use it where needed and lay it to rest all other times.

4. You Have Erratic Sleep Timings

Like everyone, you don't need a long or regular sleep cycle. Sleep relaxes the body and mind.

But highly spiritual people are already relaxed in their bodies and mind. You don't need a long sleep. And when the body gets enough sleep, it wakes up automatically, fully rejuvenated.

Many times you wake up automatically at 3 or 4 AM.

5. You Are Weirdly Detached From Everything

Highly spiritual people are incredibly loving. Your presence and love are palpable.

Yet you are also weirdly detached from everything and everyone.

Your unconditional love demands nothing from others and gives freedom to everyone. Even if you are married or have kids, there is a fresh whiff of strange freedom, which people find odd.

However, that also means nobody can bind you with any emotional drama or relationships. It never works on you.

Absolute freedom is in your breath.

You are free from everything, even with your money. You may invest and earn. But you can leave it all at the slightest signal from the universe.

6. Strangely, You Don't Meditate Often

Meditation is utter relaxation. Initially, it helps to calm the mind and thoughts to experience the state of nothingness.

But after a stage in highly spiritual people, life becomes meditative.

Your every action, even your made-up anger, comes from a meditative place. You don't have a fixed meditation schedule as you used to have.

Like a black hole, nothingness has sucked your life.

You are always in a state of meditation. No time or place restricts you. You might sit in meditation at three at noon or night. It hardly matters.

Your spiritual setting is within your heart. Not decided by outside parameters.

7. Your Memory Bank Is Always At Zero

A highly spiritual person is like a fresh dew at each moment. You don't carry past burdens and hopes or aspirations for the future.

You don't remember most things. You might have easily forgotten when someone betrayed you brutally in the past. As you rest here and now, your memory gets wiped out.

Past is like a dream which is of no importance to you.

You might not even recall what you had for breakfast. Your short-lived memory is a by-product of living fully in the present moment.

That does not mean that you are incapable of functioning in the world. Your brain effortlessly vomits the exact things you need at the right moment. You don't have to remember anything. It is just the way it is.

8. Awareness and Intuition Are Your Decision-Making Tools

Many times, life demands decisions that can change the course of life. Most people rely on their past knowledge and experience to decide something.

But highly spiritual people don't rely on the past or future to determine their actions. You decide in utter silence with effortless intuition. And once you choose, you follow it, even if it means going against the norm.

My mentor left his high-profile job and took a low-paying job with less responsibility so that he could enjoy life in nature.

9. You Contradict Yourself Effortlessly

Almost everybody wants to stand for what they believe and say. But not highly spiritual people.

People might doubt your suggestions when you shift your words. One moment, you might say something. Other times you might suggest the diametrically opposite.

But the reality is that you don't speak from a calculative mind.

You are an instrument of the universe that conveys what people need to hear at that time. You transmit the universe's message without altering it with your past knowledge.

Times changes. People change. What might have worked previously might not do so now. And you confidently convey what is right for the other, even if it means overriding your past statements.

10. Many Strangers Seek Your Counseling

The universe is working for all of us. It knows what we need and which is the best time for us to receive it.

Highly spiritual persons cross paths with many strangers who need their guidance. And oddly, people are content to share their problems with you.

Somehow, people are confident they will get the burning answers from you. They have strange faith in you and open up their secrets even if you have not met them physically.

11. You Live From Your Heart and Appear Insane to The World

Imagine a royal princess leaving her palace to be a beggar singing on the streets, spending days with the qualms she gets. She was, by the way, Meera, the great saint.

You might not have been so drastic in your choices. But you challenge society and its norms regularly.

Highly spiritual people don't fit into society's structure and appear crazy to the average population.

You know that society has rigid regulations. And you can't do much about it.

However, you live through your heart, in all vulnerability and totality. Living authentically is your motto, no matter what comes.

You understand that the body is temporary, and the upliftment of the soul is the only way to get to Nirvana, the ultimate. Because of this, momentary shame or outrage rarely matters to you because of your deep focus on permanence.

12. Aloneness Nourishes Your Soul

People who talk to you might perceive you as social or extroverted. But you prefer being alone. Solitude and silence are your abode.

You might also go on long solo trips to nature. Wild nature feels like home to highly spiritual people.

With no obligations, you roam and connect with pure life in the form of nature or animals. The simplicity of being alone is exuberant. There is no corruption in being alone. Divinity flows through everyone, and you enjoy its bliss when alone.

13. Forgiveness Does Not Exist For You

Forgiveness can only happen when you remember the past or are attached to it. Past does not exist for highly spiritual people. With no history, there is no one to forgive. Even the last hour or minute that passed by is past.

You remain fully present now.

So when there is no past for you, no question of forgiveness arises. All the history is erased for you. Even so, much that there is no one to forgive as well.

14. You Welcome Pain and Difficult Situations in Your Life

Nobody likes pain and suffering. But for a highly spiritual person, a challenging situation is the same as a pleasant one. They both have no difference.

You might have preferences and desires. But those don't dictate how you feel.

Deeply content in any situation, you rarely complain or feel awful about any difficulties you might face. Instead, you embrace it because distressing times cleanse the inside garbage more.

A profound acceptance of life inspires people around you. Your balance and tranquility become contagious if anyone is receptive to it.

15. Even Your Anger Comes From a Compassionate Place

The heart of a highly spiritual person is very much in tune with unadulterated life. It helps you to walk a mile in others' shoes.

Empathy, kindness, and compassion overflow through you. You may even cry with others.

Such immense love is unconditional. You want nothing from anyone, just that everyone experiences the same bliss as you feel. The realization of your joy propels you to spread it more.

For this, you might even rebuke someone.

Unconscious habits require a solid reprimand to break free from lifelong sleep. But that also arises from infinite compassion.


A highly spiritual person is a living example that shows life is blissful. Your presence and interactions with others open their heart.

Your life teaches them that if they become available to life, grace will set them on the journey of joy. Your life's message boils down to —Bliss is already happening. Be receptive to it.

Nothing glows brighter than the heart awakened to the light of love that lives within it.~ Guy Finley

© Copyright Ruchi Thalwal, 2022

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