Dear Soul, please note that I use the terms Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine to help you understand your predominant energy at any given moment during the journey. As you heal and grow, it is expected you won't care about these labels anymore, because your feminine and masculine energies will be balanced. You can read more about this topic here.

I know the terms chaser and runner may help describe our predominant energy during the Twin Flame journey. Still, who wants to tag themselves as a chaser? And who wants to see their loved one as a runner?

Seeing yourself as a chaser comes with a bundle of low-vibration energies, like guilt and shame, while seeing your twin as a runner comes with resentment and frustration.

So, how can you look at the journey instead? Think of you and your twin going to the supermarket (Earth) with a list of groceries. Higher Self Mama was highly detailed on what she needs from you:

  • Divine Feminine is in charge of the list (spiritual twin).
  • Divine Masculine must help Divine Feminine put everything in the basket (grounded twin).

So you get to your destination, and just like that, both of you get distracted. Soon, you forget about the list, Higher Self Mama, and your twin.

Divine Masculine picks up some duties; Divine Feminine feels like something is missing. They might spend their whole life looking for this mysterious lost love in everybody.

One day, you find each other, and Divine Feminine goes through a deep, rough reminiscence. She can see clearly now: a list is hidden in their pocket, and the beautiful Soul they just met is their twin. Their lost gem.

Divine Feminine has to do something about it. They're terrified that their twin might disappear again, so they try to pull them. Their twin, still amnesic, is also terrified. This is too much; they can't explain it or make it fit into their everyday life, so they pull in the opposite direction.

Newton's third law:

For every force in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Therefore, you're not chasing and running. You are both pulling to your safe place. You are mirroring each other.

Overcoming The Chasing And Running Dynamic

The "chaser and runner" perspective can easily make you fall into negative thought patterns that will create more separation instead of oneness.

First, the chaser will try hard to stop chasing. This might come with an attempt to remove themselves from their twin or become energetically inaccessible.

Some people try to "cut chords" and other risky practices. This is like an energetic cancer: you attacking your twin — who is also You — is equal to cells attacking themselves.

The so-called runner will feel this rejection and keep pulling to their safe place. They won't move forward to hostility — separation, separation, separation.

That said, the "chaser and runner" tags will distract you from the Twin Flame journey's real purpose: spiritual growth. So, a healthier approach is to invest your precious energy in healing the fear that made you pull your twin from the beginning.

Know that loving your twin deeply is never the issue. Love is the ultimate solution to everything, and allowing yourself to become One with this powerful force is the main ingredient for Union and the Earth's ascension.

Simply put, the Twin Flame journey is about rebuilding yourself upon Unconditional Love instead of Conditional Love. It's reaching a state of flow where you can say:

"I love you. No matter what, I was gifted with love to love you."

Twin souls come to Earth to exemplify that love can overcome anything, even your deepest fears, and the Ego's selfishness. For this to happen, you must go deep into yourself, bring your wounds to the surface, and heal.

You must find the love you are looking for outside on the inside.

Become One with your twin in the non-physical realm. This clarity is the path to becoming One in the physical realm.

You must do all of this first because You are the one who can do it right now. Please don't wait for your twin to progress; they are waiting for you.

After all, you are the one with the list.

Dear Soul, my mission on Earth is to spread the energy of Love word by word. I intend to help you see your light and beauty, to help you remember who you are.

I might not know you in person, but I do in the measure that I know your Divinity. Our journeys on Earth are connected, for we are all going home together, building our path back to where we belong.

I give myself to you in every word. May they serve you in awakening your Sacredness, and may they be a balm to comfort you. In all things, I believe in you. I see you. I love you.

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— Rita