The False Promises of Positive Thinking (aka `Poetic Thinking`) Can Hurt You
Don't complain, shut up, suffer and persist the foolish status quo is one of the most fatalistic and regressive mentality of our time. It is also a self-administered, self-sedating, self-sabotaging delusion, that poses a dangerous form of civilization intoxication and contamination, and they disguise it as a poetic excuse for opiated inaction by branding it as— `positive thinking`.
While positive thinking can provide the energy and hope for people to move on and move forward in harsh circumstances, more than often, it has been misused and abused as an opioid of escapism. Here are some deadly consequences and side effects on such an abuse of the false sense of positivism.
Beware of people advising you to stay away from negative or toxic people because ad populum is usually the faulty mental filter that leads you to the path of irretrievable perdition. Usually, the first few people you would put away under such advice based on sentiments would then be your parents, then the doctors. Beware what the candy man advises you on, as Socrates warned.
The problem with delusional positivism of our society today is that we witch-hunt people who want to address the matter at hand objectively. They are conveniently dismissed as `negative` or `toxic people`. If people don't like it, no matter how truthful and verified you are, you are labelled as a troll. If people like it, no matter how inflated you are, you are called a talent. This cause a false positive of embracing delusions and false negative of dismissing critical information, which can be proven fatal and too late for the years of silent damages to be reversed.
There is a danger of labeling negativism within the pop-culture of positive thinking, if adults continue to mis-educate the younger generations to perpetuate poor judgement, addiction to 'fake feel-good' in avoidance of diligent and vigilant self-enhancement, it will promote obdurate dismissive attitude towards negative feedback which are part of the learning as well as alerting feedback loop. This will curse them to a regressive status quo.
忠言 逆耳利于行, 苦口良药利于病。 (Sincere and honest words are often uncomfortable to the ears, but beneficial for the conduct and progress. Bitter medicine is commonly distasteful to the mouth, but conducive to the healing and recuperation.)
As follows are the consequences:
1. Ignorance. Example: Age is just a number (No, it is not, biological aging causes your organs to fade its function and finally fail)
2. False sense of sufficiency (aka Complacency). Example: We are enough. (No, we are not, lack of improvement is what hurts everyone which leads to ….)
3. Incompetence. Example: Be yourself (… which is the reason for some lack of the situation.)
4. False sense of assurance. Example: Things will get better. Just watch some motivation videos with rap song, it will resolve by themselves. (No, they will not, you need plans, progress and solutions. Prayers can help you feel better, but no change will float from the skies. This may also be cause and further lead to a spiral of … )
5. Cognitive distortion
Positive illusion Only 2% of high school seniors believe their leadership skills are below average. A full 25 % of people believe they're in the top 1% in their ability to get along with others. 94% of college professors report doing above-average work. People think they're at lower risk than their peers for heart attacks, cancer, and even food-related illnesses such as salmonella. Most deliciously self-deceptive of all, people say they are more likely than their peers to provide accurate self-assessments.
Positive illusions pose an enormous problem with regard to change. Before people can change, before they can move in a new direction, they've got to have their bearings. But positive illusions make it hard for us to orient ourselves-to get a clear picture of where we are and how we're doing.
When cognitive dissonance is worsen, it becomes …
6. Delusion. Example: God has a plan. (…. which is the reason for status quo. The lack of proactivity is also due to …)
How can we dissuade everyone from counterfeiting mythological superiorism with contrivances of artificial divinity and manufactured dosed of positivism, to focus on scientific and progressive methods to create self-empowering and transformative transhumanism which in turn will give rise to a civilization built by the principled focused of Quality of Humans instead?
7. Denial. Example: There is no problem, it's all in the mind.
8. Arm chair over-criticism. Example: It's those negative, toxic people affecting you (No, they are not, sometimes, they are the only who are working on the problem, some may move only their mouths, but you have start to move your butts from that chair.)
9. Avoidance. Example: Don't blame others. (It's not call blaming, it's call addressing. We have to be brutal, direct and honest with the root causes and brutally dare to solve them)
10. Escapism. Example: Just go and enjoy life. Don't over-think. ( Most people don't really overthink, in fact, they 'under-think' — the very reason why they lack perspective and solutions for their lack and life deficiency in the first place. This will only deepen and perpetuate their plight.)
Is delusional positivism a form of self-administer denial? — Re: The modern day dope
Optimism is a hazard of understanding reality; measurement and rigor calculation is the treatment. — Ursa
"Fake-it-until-you-make-it culture" is delusional positive thinking. Confidence requires evidence. You have to sincerely work for it, not just put glamorous words. If someone ever mention "Positive Thinking", ask them what they have for "Positive Doing".
Positive thinking is delusionally futile, it is proactive thinking we should have. The only control we have is the next step we dare and will do.
There are 2 things I don't believe in — luck and delusional positive thinking. They can get us killed. — 2017–01.24
Empty and baseless positive thinking without positive working may move you forward for a while. However, it will collapse and crash the person, and worse off, involve bankrupting the people emotionally from the great heights of those empty promises given by that person.
1. Reasons Why We Fail 2. What Is Required To Succeed 3. The Mistakes That Most People Never Learn 4. What They Do Not Teach You 5. Common Bad Advice 6. How Positive Thinking Can Hurt You 7. Objective Positivism 8. What Should One Do In Their 20s To Avoid Regrets In Their 30s And 40s 9. Why Your Will Your Drive Your Wit And Any Of Your Ways Will Fail You 10. Set Yourself Started And Going 11. Fail Fast, Fail Functionally, Fail Forward 12. Tansformative Shifts The 1% Fulcrum On The 20–80 Pareto 13. Chaining The Behavioral Butterfly Effect 14. Are You With The Right People Or Just Lost With The Wrong Crowd 15. When Life Is Too Much For Us To Bear 16. Engineering Hope 17. How To Look For Your Purpose — The Search For An Elixir 18. Questions That Can Re-write Your Fate 19. Your Intent Writes Your Life 20. Lessons From The Eccentrics 21. In Pursuit Of Virtues And Values 22. The Expedition 23. The Alchemy Of Time Fate And Kairos