"When you pretend nothing's wrong, even though something is, that's experience. When you can still pretend nothing's wrong, even when something is, that's perspective."

Perspective is the outward expression of your inner attitude. The way you approach life shapes the perspective you cultivate.

Someone with a pessimistic outlook, no matter how hard they try to hide it, will struggle to display optimism and open-mindedness.

Similarly, a narrow-minded person, no matter how friendly they appear, will find it difficult to be genuinely accommodating and generous.

A person's true perspective isn't determined by their emotional intelligence or outward behavior, but rather by their inner attitude.

Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

Author Mark Twain once shared a story about a friend who worked at a large tech company. He mentioned that several employees quit each year around the company's annual bonus payout.

Twain was puzzled. Why would people leave when they were receiving money? Did they think the bonus was too small?

His friend explained that these employees didn't usually quit because the total amount was insufficient, but because they felt they received less than others.

For instance, someone might receive a bonus of $25,000, but if they learned someone else received $27,000, they might quit out of resentment.

A colleague once advised them, "Forget about it! It's just a small difference. Why throw away the bigger picture over a minor detail?"

But the employee retorted:

"How can I just forget about it? It's not just about the money, it's about being treated fairly. This small difference in bonuses is a big deal in the eyes of management."

In reality, these individuals had good salaries and promising careers. Leaving over such a minor issue was a mistake. Annual bonuses naturally vary from person to person, and some discrepancies are normal. But they couldn't see it. Instead, they allowed their anger to lead them to poor decisions that ultimately hurt their careers.

As Twain's friend concluded, "It's not good to be overly concerned about such trivial matters. When you compare yourself to others, they don't lose anything, but you lose a lot."

This statement rings true in real life. People who are overly focused on gains and losses tend to magnify small issues, leading to poor decisions and lost opportunities.

Photo by Pietro De Grandi on Unsplash

As the saying goes, "When you close your hand, you hold nothing. When you open your hand, you hold everything."

Life is full of uncertainties. Gains and losses are inevitable. Aiming for "not losing" is the ideal.

If you refuse to accept reality and insist on arguing about right and wrong, winners and losers, your life will be filled with thorns and devoid of joy.

The smaller your mind, the less you can handle. The broader your mind, the more you can handle.

In the game of life, those who cannot tolerate things cannot achieve a broad future. They will only narrow their own path.

I love the quote, "In life, winning is about perspective, and losing is about calculation."

Many people who appear to live shrewdly by constantly calculating their gains and losses often lead unhappy lives.

Instead of focusing on what others have, cultivate a positive attitude and a broader perspective. This will allow you to see the bigger picture, make better decisions, and ultimately find greater joy and fulfillment in life.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

William and his wife, Nancy, are both native Shanghainese. Despite their low income, they find themselves cramped in their small apartment. William feels a sense of injustice when he sees his younger sister, Olivia, living comfortably in the Nancy family's old house. This prompts him to hatch a plan to move in with his son and daughter-in-law, hoping to force Olivia out.

However, William's scheme backfires spectacularly. The Nancy family perceives his actions as a deliberate attack against Olivia and judges him for remaining single at his age. Later, when Nancy's sister-in-law, Zoe, proposes hiring a nanny for their ailing mother, William, motivated by his ingrained frugality, believes the family's money shouldn't go to an outsider. Taking advantage of Zoe's absence, William secretly assumes the nanny's duties while pocketing the intended salary.

William's negligence in fulfilling his responsibilities leads to a dramatic decline in Nancy's mother's health, resulting in hospitalization. The family is enraged by William's deceit and lack of empathy. Even his own husband and son criticize his extreme measures. This wake-up call forces William to confront his mistakes. Over time, he gradually sheds his calculating ways and embraces a more positive and supportive attitude.

When William learns that Nancy's mother has generously bequeathed half of her inheritance to their family, he feels undeserving and humbly encourages his husband and siblings to split the inheritance equally. This act of selflessness earns him the respect and admiration of the entire Nancy family. As William's inner world transforms, so does his perception of the world around him, proving that a positive outlook can truly shape one's destiny.

As it is said, "Looking at a problem from a different angle will lead to different results, and the world will appear before you in a different guise." Life is like a flowing tide. If you force yourself into a corner, you will only crash into the rocks. However, if you face the vast ocean, the world ahead will be endless beauty. In other words, having a big vision means having a future in mind and being less calculative in your heart. If you care less, your horizons will naturally expand, and if you are more tolerant, your life will naturally be smoother. Life is a chain reaction. Adjust your attitude towards the world, and fate will be kind to you.

Photo by Norbert Tóth on Unsplash

What is "big picture"?

Someone online once asked, "What is 'big picture'?"

A popular response stated, "'big picture' is the internal tapestry of a person's psychological elements, including their vision, breadth of mind, and courage."

Indeed, individuals with big picture possess a stable core, boasting a wide perspective and a calm demeanor.

A Nobel Laureate's big picture: The Story of John Smith

John Smith, a renowned author and Nobel Laureate in Literature, exemplifies the concept of inner strength. After garnering the prestigious award, some individuals attempted to exploit his fame by publishing works under his name.

Soon, articles attributed to John Smith flooded the internet, leaving readers unable to discern authenticity. Certain counterfeit articles even appeared in esteemed publications, prompting a publishing house to contact John Smith himself and inquire about royalties.

Despite the impersonation attempt, John Smith remained unperturbed. He responded with humor, acknowledging the quality of some fabricated articles and inviting the authors to claim their royalties.

This response showcased John Smith's remarkable inner strength. His calm and collected demeanor, coupled with his witty response, highlighted his well-developed internal compass.

The Value of big picture

Developing robust big picture is crucial for everyone. It empowers us to:

  • Navigate life's challenges with resilience and composure.
  • Maintain a positive outlook even amidst adversity.
  • Foster meaningful relationships built on trust and respect.
  • Achieve personal goals and contribute meaningfully to society.

Cultivating big picture

While big picture is not an innate trait, it can be cultivated through various practices, including:

  • Self-reflection: Examining your values, beliefs, and motivations.
  • Facing challenges head-on: Recognizing obstacles as opportunities for growth.
  • Developing a growth mindset: Embracing challenges and learning from mistakes.
  • Building healthy relationships: Surrounding yourself with supportive and inspiring individuals.
  • Practicing gratitude: Focusing on the positive aspects of life.

By investing in your big picture, you can create a life filled with purpose, resilience, and joy.

Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash