When looking for the elusive mixture of the human psyche and emotion, for years one word became the king happiness. Happiness quest is ABSOLUTELY built into people; our ancestors have always struggled for it, in any case. The script for the show would be the desire for happiness which is what this science is all about, and understanding principles and methods that are linked to happiness constitutes the science of happiness. Happiness may be not so obvious art, but the discreet help of science would help us to open the doors to our happiness.
The Biological Foundations of Happiness:
We start to feel happy as far afield as our limbic system, which is half of our capacity for happiness. Actually there are sections within our brain that can make us happy and these sections have been identified by neuroscientists. It consists exactly of the parts that are active when we strive to reach the rational thinking phase, the prefrontal cortex. The other structure that gets involved in the process include; nucleus accumbs which is opposite of brains awards system plus ventral tegmental area that deals with moods and emotions. The win back of dopamine, serotonin and endorphin is crucial to happiness and designing optimistic feelings.
Genetics and Happiness:
Research conducted in the most recent past has tried to establish that we are genomic coded to be either happy or sad. What this consequently imply is that some of things that we receive hard wired within the dna can in fact influence response to some of occurrences in life. But that does not mean that we cannot alter that and decide how happy we want to be. Environment plays a strong role of either submerging, imposing or even erasing inherent behaviors or attributes of the character.
Positive Psychology and the Science of Happiness:
H hedonics is science of happiness has been linked more with positive psychology which is branch of psychology which deals with numbers strengths and virtues of human beings for optimal functioning. Positive psychology is defined as the new movement that is as much about the positive aspects of some parts of the life as about treatment of mental illnesses.
The Model of Wellbeing:
In this paper, to find out that promotes happiness, who is one of the pioneers of positive psychology provided model. The model consists of five elements: However, the main categories it is made up of are Positive reactions which include, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments. All of these five components aid and play some role in influencing one's state of happiness and wellbeing or state of feeling good.
Positive Emotions:
Happiness constitutes one of the models which helps to understand the human activity in life. Healthy state refers to the state in which the person experiences positive affect that will in turn help him or her handle stressors or challenges. Therefore, positive emotions should be capable of helping people expand their perceptual processing breadth so as to create more unique ideas.
Engagement or flow is the second of the elements. This is the mental set the individuals get to when they are obsessed with the activity such that all else is unimportant. Optimal experience is enjoyable and it results to feelings of pleasure therefore the people become satisfied with what they are doing.
Relationships get the third place in the list of things that make people happy according to the model. The two kinds of social relationship we have are good and bad and as much and bad things affect our live, good part is very important in making an individual feel that they are useful and safe. Some surveys show that all human beings who I can say, have fellowship, which means being part of a group, are probably some of the happiest, healthiest spiritual selves.
- The fourth attribute of model is purposes, or reasons for living. This was a signal of an increase to propose that an objectively ordered meaning and purpose of life positively in
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