If I say ྌ/20 law', what do you say? Pareto's law.
At the base, Vilfredo Pareto (an Italian economist from the second half of the 19th century) was the first to notice that, 20% of the population possess 80% of the wealth. Or that 20% of clients from a company represented 80% of the company's revenue etc. etc. etc.
In our modern time, the 80/20 law was extended to time management in relation to success by R. Koch and M. Mancini.
ྌ% of the results come from 20% of the causes. A few things are important; most are not.' — Richard Koch
For example, I could make an amazing presentation for a client spending 5 hours working on it, OR spending 1 hour making a good presentation that will (more than) likely achieve the same end result.
The positive is those 4 extras hours. You can use them as you wish. You can take time to prepare a pitch for another client, spend time with your coworker brainstorming on new ideas or just creating a better healthy work environment by hanging longer at the coffee machine.
On top of freeing up more time for you, it also spare your emotions. No more anxiety, no more rushing, no more rumbling trying to find the perfect slide colors (which in all honesty, unless your a colorist, nobody will notice the difference between light turquoise and paled turquoise). And as we all know, anxiety and stress are the 21st century disease…
It's a WIN-WIN in every aspect. And it can apply to every aspect of life.
Week 13
Think about this 80/20 law in your case. Are there any cases in your life where you could do less and you'll still achieve the same results? On the opposite, maybe there are aspect where currently have not time to invest but would like to?
Make a list of the thing that you find most significant and enjoyable in your life, the one that makes you happy. For example, it can be spending time with your friends, hiking, listening to music, the reproduction cycle of elephant etc. Beside each entry, indicate how much time you dedicate to that activity per week or month. Then ask yourself : ' Am I living my life according to my highest value?
We all live a busy, 100 miles an hour life, right?
Now, take the 80/20 law and apply it to your list. Examine your priorities and determine the 20% that will bring you 80% of satisfaction. Do you actually spend 20% of your time on the things that bring you the most happiness?
This exercise is like looking from above on our life and identifying if there is a consistency between our values and our lifestyle. The more you are honest, the more you can adapt your life and therefore the closer to happiness you'll be.
"You don't think your way to a new way of living. You live your way to a new way of thinking." — David Schnarch
Do not forget your gratitude exercise. You can make it weekly if it's too much, but I would advise you stick to it daily. Just 10min before bed, I guarantee you'll sleep way better ;)
See you next week, for week 14.