26 and the world feels heavy. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Friends come and go, conversations start to feel repetitive and dull.

Things happen and we all experience it in our own way..

A death of a beloved, a death of a friendship, a death of a relationship. Missed opportunities. Death, school, bills, depression, loss.

And then there are.. beautiful sunsets, never-ending laughter, cherished quality time, authentic connections, unconditional love from furry friends.

For a million tears, there are a million more joys.

It's been 2 years since moving my life to a new state. Because that's what you do in life.

-Take risks while you can.

Take risks and a lot of them. Just make sure they're calculated.

Enjoy the journey and surround yourself with people that fill your cup. Have people that can add value to your life.

Be interested in everything, stay curious, stay optimistic yet realistic. Welcome all experiences.

I am beyond grateful. For the good AND the bad. Life can be.. a lot at times.

There are good days and there are certainly horrible ones. Count the good ones, they usually outweigh the bad.

If you're going to try, go all the way.— Charles Bukowski