I was inspired to write this, because I came across this article. Then this one.

Both are fairly typical Medium articles written by women that seem to have anti-male undertones to a degree. The first one was some nonsense about when is it OK for men to hit on women. Now, I'm not attacking the author of the article and it is not anything against her, it's just more that I am tired of these type of conversations in general.

Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash

Because my humble (or perhaps not so humble) opinion on this is generally this:

A lot of women claim to not want to be hit on, but the truth is, they just don't want to be hit on by the wrong guys (which may be perhaps 70 to 80% of guys anyway). Fair enough. The problem is, why is it that so many women, contrary to their claims about being against the patriarchy, refuse to hit on or go after the guys that they actually want? In my humble (or, yet again, not so humble) opinion, they don't want to do it because they don't want to face the same type of rejections that they give other people, especially if they know that they can be quite nasty with them or think very negatively of the guys who do try to talk to them.

Sure, they'll say that they are "traditional" (when it's convenient, of course) and they are just attracted to "go-getters" and "confidence" and all that junk, but I think truthfully… they just don't want to deal with the rejection. 🤷R🏾R♂ Because I'm sure a lot of the guys who tried to hit on them and who they were oh so disgusted by at least had the confidence to talk to them, apparently, but I guess that confidence wasn't enough after all, huh? 🙄 Go figure.

Photo by Mark mc neill on Unsplash

So this is why I see why guys just throw their hands up and not worry about it. And I honestly think that so many more guys should stop approaching women to where women will actually begin to miss the "good old days" of men showing interest in them, particularly in person. In fact, do a lot of you ladies still get hit on a lot in person? It seems to me that a lot of men are opting to stick with doing so online, even though the success rate of men using dating apps is allegedly not all that either.

Personally, I think it's stupid for men to be expected to approach women and "show confidence" and all of this junk, just for women to be oh so disgusted and offended if approached by the wrong guy. 🙄. I know, some people don't want to hear guys whining about having to make the first move and that men should just "be a man" and accept that's the way it is (that men are supposed to be confident, strong, and that those are the qualities that women are attracted to). But what if a guy has social anxiety? Low self-esteem and/or depression due to his upbringing or circumstances? Then what? See, this is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.

All of that being said, I know that it may be a futile effort to expect society to change just because we may not like certain things about it. And, fortunately or unfortunately, sometimes a person just needs to come up with solutions on how to deal with a wack society instead of simply hoping that it changes for the better.

Anyway, back to the topic. I think that a lot of men may realize that when it comes to chasing a lot of women in general, the juice Simply isn't worth the squeeze. It's sort of a gamble, really. Especially with all of the anti-male rhetoric going on today, it's probably a bigger gamble than ever! Sure, a man could just approach a woman and realize that she's probably a f***ing goofball if she gets extremely offended or rude concerning a guy respectfully showing interest in her (and even leaving once he realizes that the interest isn't mutual), but as much as men may try to train themselves to not take rejection personally and to realize that the women who react unnecessarily negatively to it all probably have some kind of personal or mental issues that have nothing to do with them, such interactions still suck, and even the most resilient men might begin to question if it's something about them if such negative interactions happen too often.

Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

Finally, I also don't like how it basically puts men in a weaker position. I mean, I can see the argument that it shows boldness and strength or whatever to make themselves vulnerable and to put themselves out there to potentially get dissed and dismissed, but at the same time, it also seems like it puts them in the potentially losing position because it makes the other party feel like they have the upper hand in some way already. And if I, personally, were to try to be nice to a woman and she had a funky attitude to try to make me feel bad about myself, I simply wouldn't want to feel like I gave her that benefit to begin with.

In conclusion, I think that guys should really start leaving women alone at this point and stop putting themselves in the positions of having so much risk-taking expected of them just for a lot of women to act crazy in return. They need to stop putting women on pedestals, kissing their butts, and begging to be validated by women just because those women might be "hot." I also think that if women want to be against the patriarchy and really want equality, that they should step up and talk to the guys that they like so that they won't be oh so disgusted by the "losers" who simply show interest in them. 🙄 It sounds logical to me, although I understand that, fortunately or unfortunately, logic doesn't seem to be a strong point for a lot of people when it comes to this dating thing.

Anyway, this is just my two cents and my little rant for the day inspired by a couple of articles that I came across. Share your thoughts. Speak freely. Don't think I'm going to bite you. 🙂 Have a nice day.

Photo by Pea on Unsplash