To those who seek wisdom ahead: Beware, for this is a long list.. (100+ books)

"You wont become an algorithmic genius savant extraordinaire philanthropist billionaire overnight."

You wont be one in 3 months. You wont be one in a year either. You might not ever become one. But as with mostly everything in life if you apply yourself you might get closer and closer to achieving that dream of financial freedom.

Now obviously some of these have overlapping contents so you should do your own research about which books are more suited for your mindset and current skill set.

This list is comprised from multiple sources online and filtered to the best of my abilities into the following categories:

  • General Reading
  • Light Reading
  • Programming
  • Mathematics
  • Economics & Finance
  • Technical & Time-Series Analysis
  • Other
  • Derivatives

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GENERAL READING — The fundamentals

This is probably a good place to start, together these books cover a wide variety of subjects and might be a decent introduction to the various elements of quantitative trading.

Listed below in order of appearance in this picture!

LIGHT READING — The stories

These are mostly "war-stories" and tales from the world of quants. Some will be very educational, others will be more leisurely reading.

Listed below in order of appearance in this picture!

PROGRAMMING — Machine Learning and in general

This is a joint list of Machine Learning literature as well as general good practice programming books in specifically Python, R and C++.

Listed below in order of appearance in this picture!

Machine Learning

General Programming

MATHEMATICS — Statistics & Probability, Stochastic Processes and in general

Now we're getting into the specifics. The usefulness of these books will be highly dependent on your education and experience in the field already so tread with caution.

General mathematics:

Listed below in order of appearance in this picture!

Statistics & Probability:

Listed below in order of appearance in this picture!

Stochastic Processes:

Listed below in order of appearance in this picture!

ECONOMICS & FINANCE — Asset pricing and management in general

In case you have no financial or economic background it would be wise to read some of these books to understand the parts that make up the foundation of our market. As with everything of this this, some might not be applicable to you and some might be, so do your own research before committing!

Listed below in order of appearance in this picture!

General economics:

Asset pricing:

Risk & Asset management:


Even though Technical Analysis (TA) is a source of great dispute in the trading community there's still some value to gain from understanding the concepts.

Listed below in order of appearance in this picture!

Technical analysis:

Time-series analysis:

OTHER — Everything in between

This list is only unique in the sense that I wasn't sure where to place these books. Not that is definitely not to say that these books are inferior to any others in this collection, indeed some of them might be vitally important and hugely influential on your learning experience.

DERIVATIVES — Equity, FX, Commodity, Interest Rate, Credit , XVA

This is self-explanatory. Highly specific literature on specific kinds of derivatives. When the subject-matter from these books are implanted in your mind you can probably consider yourself a pseudo-expert in the field.

Equity derivatives:

FX derivatives:

Commodity derivatives:

Interest rate derivatives

Credit derivatives


FINAL MUSINGS — Moving forward

My face when I finally finished this list.

So we did it, we made a "complete" list of books for algorithmic and quantitative trading! Now it goes without saying that a list like this is only "complete" up until the point someone comments:

"But wait, you forgot this vitally important piece of literature, how could you?!"

For that very reason I will continue to update this a time goes on, taking in as much feedback from you guys on Medium and from people on Twitter and Reddit as well.

Closing remarks

If you want to see and learn more, be sure to follow me on Medium🔍 and Twitter 🐦